An Eye for an Eye

In the last two days, two sworn enemies of Israel have been struck by projectiles flying through the skies, one in Lebanon, the other in Iran. Writers like me can write all we want to write. One thing is clear. For Israel to have survived for 76 years completely surrounded by people who regard them as only good enough to be pushed into the sea, my friends, it has to be a miracle. The people of that tiny country that occupies less than 30,000 sq km, have done wonders with the tiny piece of land that was assigned to them in 1948. If only the other side had just agreed to work with what was assigned to them—- if only. You have to talk to both sides to know who wants peace and who does not. As things stand, we will all continue to watch in consternation until that most blessed and most cursed region of the earth drags the entirety of humanity into a Third World War—the Armageddon. If the word of God be true, then, Armageddon is inevitable. Someone once said—“An eye for an eye until everyone is blind.” He had that region in mind. Clearly. Oh yes, it had to be Mahatma Gandhi. Only he or Mandela could have dreamed at that philosophical level. It is beyond human.

Michael Ovienmhada.
Author, Poet, Playwright

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