The King is infallible!

For all intents and purposes, one would assume, one thing that differentiates Homo Sapiens from other species is constant improvement of the species in sophisticated thinking. That ruling was in my view, anything but sophisticated. We might as well call back King George 111 to apologize to him for launching the American revolution. SCOTUS, 2024 will go down in history in as much infamy and derision as SCOTUS, 1857–Dred Scot vs Sanford. In that infamous decision, the Court held Inter Alia, that the US Constitution did not confer citizenship on people of Black African descent. This was even as the decision flew right in the face of those thoughtfully crafted lines: “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal.”

Let it be known that every decision of an otherwise revered court has ramifications that go deep into the ages. That Dred Scot decision was a huge precursor to the American Civil War that ultimately led to the Emancipation Declaration. It would take another 100 years for Black people to gain full rights as human beings in the signing of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights legislation, 1964 and 1965 respectively.

A future Chief Justice referred to Dred Scott vs Sanford as the Court’s greatest self-inflicted wound. Here’s my prediction—extreme actions breed extreme reactions. I would therefore not be surprised if a future president decides to absorb the Judicial Branch into the Executive Branch and turn into ashes, the age-old doctrine of Separation of Powers. Those who ride the Tiger more often than not end up in the belly of the Tiger.

Question: By this decision of SCOTUS, will the storming of the Capitol on January 6th 2020 go unpunished?

Long live freedom. Long live liberty. Long live common sense.

Michael Ovienmhada.
Senior Correspondent,

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