The Voice is Dead.

James Earl Jones

James Earl Jones, the voice of CNN, the voice of Mufasa, the Lion King, the great King Jaffe Joffer of Zamunda, a fictional kingdom in Eddy Murphy’s comedy—Coming To America, has passed on at 93.

He was the first great voice to speak those iconic words: “This is CNN.”

Oh wow, what a life, what a legacy.

O death, we defy you.
O death, will you ever stop?
Mother Earth, will you ever say enough?
O death, where is thy sting?
O grave, where is thy victory?

James Earl Jones lived a full life.

In Hebrew, they say:

Zikhrono livrakha

May his memory be a blessing.

In honor of the passing of a man whose voice I always loved to hear whether as Mufasa or King Jaffe Joffer, or as the original voice of CNN, I dedicate my unpublished Poem below:

An Ode to Mother Earth.

In awesome reverence I bow.
At the greatness of thine power. Immovable.
Motionless, yet ambulando.
Mother Earth, I quiver to think of the paradox you represent.
Producer of all things great.
Consumer of all things beautiful.
The Billionaire and the pauper.
The King, and his servant.
The Prince, and the beggar.
The Queen, and her handmaiden.
All things mighty.
All things minuscule.
Mother Earth, rumble, tumble.
I bow, and I tremble.
I salute thee.

Michael Ovienmhada.
Author, Poet, Playwright,

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One thought on “The Voice is Dead.

  1. Death is the way of all mortals. May the soul of King Jaffe Joffer rest in eternal peace amen. May his passing remind all mortals that we are on a journey together. We need to live in peace and pray always. We need to remember the words of the preacher that “ vanity upon vanity, all is vanity “

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