(The conversation continues on the couch).
DAD: At the turn of the century, Thomas Edison and his team invented motion picture technology. Then, Walt Disney comes along with animation and “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” Down the road, the movie “Gone with the Wind” represented a watershed in the film industry, but in 1966, when the film—“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” was released, the American film industry gained globalization. In every way, it was a beautiful movie. The storyline was captivating, set in the era of the American Civil War. The film had three bounty hunters searching for hidden treasure. After a series of intrigues and betrayals, who ends up with the booty? This movie was a diplomatic coup for America as it made the world fall in love with American ingenuity. Clint Eastwood played the iconic role of “The Good,” but he was as bad as they come. By way of television, the advent of the film was an incredibly significant development of the 20th Century. It played a crucial role in bringing the evil of segregation to American living rooms. In addition, television helped to expose the extreme police brutality that police used against peaceful marchers, men, women, and schoolchildren.

MOM: For me, there were two things memorable about that movie—The “Ugly,” Tuco had a smooth way of delivering his lines with a beautiful accent. One of his famous lines was—‘If you gonna shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.’ There is a lesson we may want to take from that movie in the metaphorical statement by Clint Eastwood. He said—“In this world, there are two kinds of people, those with loaded guns and those who dig.” We as a people must decide which one we want to be. And of course, the soundtrack for the movie—I do not think anything comes close after over 55 years, except maybe, just maybe the soundtrack for the all time classic—The Godfather—Tarrrrrararararrrrraaaaaa (Enactment: The Orchestra plays).
This is the concluding portion of our serialization of the book: 100 Years and 5 Chronicles. There are 10 Acts to go. If you live abroad, please order your copy from Amazon. If you’re in Nigeria, call Tony: 08086390607. We will be starting a series on the history of Nigeria from 1914-2024 very soon. I hope you have enjoyed our series thus far. Please share and subscribe. Thank you.