Murderer, Adulterer, or 14 Days of Shame. Pick One.

Okay. You are a very successful man. Or, just a man. You get married at some point and you begin to raise a family. You love your wife. You love your children. Your children adore you. Like every one wishes, you are your children’s super hero.

Life takes a turn.

You decide to have girlfriend number one, then, girlfriend number 2. After a while, you lose count. You become careless. You no longer use protection. You’ve got this.

It doesn’t take long for one of the girls you’ve been having an affair with to say, “Hey Joe, we need to talk. I am pregnant.”

Suddenly, the dam breaks. You are a Pastor of a Church. You are a Senator. You are a King. You are a Deacon. Your whole reputation is suddenly on the line because of a simple conversation—- the greatest three words that would ever be spoken—-I am pregnant—or the worst three words ever to be uttered depending on whether you are a happily married man and you are therefore jubilant about the arrival of a child you’ve both been waiting for, or else, you are a ‘bladdy’ adulterer or cheater.

Action two. What happens next totally, entirely, and completely depends on you. In most Western societies, because they tend to project a public persona of propriety, uprightness and morality, the girl’s life is immediately in danger. Too many women have lost their lives because of their involvement with men for whom they are mere toys, objects to be used and discarded.

In the case of King David in the Bible, he set up the husband of the woman he was having an affair with to be killed in battle to pave way for him to marry his widow, Batsheba.

He paid a price for it.

Marilyn Monroe was not as lucky as Batsheba. She was speculated to have been pregnant at the time of her curious death. She was having an affair with two powerful brothers.

The blood of Marilyn cried out from the grave. Ten years later, both brothers were dead, each of them, felled by an assassin’s bullet.

There’s always hell to pay.

You must never toy with Karma.

In the case of Scott Peterson, he was having an affair with a woman while he was married to Laci Peterson who was pregnant with their unborn child. He wanted to leave his marriage so he could marry the new love of his life. He chose instead to kill her to set himself “free.”

He is serving life without the possibility of parole.

You ask the question—why didn’t he just walk away?

The human mind can be a wonderful thing or a terrible thing depending on how you choose to use it.

In your mind, a situation can be a very terrible thing that requires you to end your life—like losing your wife to a divorce and losing your business in a space of one week, or you can shrug it off and start a new business exactly one week later.

Again, you can be like Job’s wife who urged Mr. Job to “Curse God and die,” after they lost everything or you can be like great Mr. Job. In the face of adversity, Mr. Job declared without equivocation: “Even though He slay me, I know my Redeemer lives.”

In the grand scheme of things, nothing is really serious except your mind builds it up to be serious.

Once upon a time, there was a King in Owo Kingdom. He was a beloved King, an avid Tennis lover and quite a handsome man. He was deposed from his exalted throne. One day, during the period of his exile, one of his sons asked him, “Dad, how’s it that you just carry on as if nothing happened?”

The father replied—-“Son, you must take life as it comes.

He was a wise King.

His son, a man whom I much admire, lives by his father’s example.

Michael O. Ovienmhada.
Publisher/Editor-In Chief,

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O’meekey O. Ovienmhada
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